The Board of Directors of LOGAN TRANSPORTES hopes that the following objectives can be achieved, with the implementation and maintenance of the established Quality Management System:
• Improve internal and external communication, transparency and reliability of information and data generated in our operations and services;
• React to all non-conforming output and/or non-conformity identified, with effective correction and corrective actions appropriate to the magnitude and consequences of the problem;
• Prevent the occurrence of accidents and undesirable situations, which may put at risk: the safety and quality of our services, the health and safety of our employees, operations, the environment or the assets of the company and customers, under our responsibility;
• Train, maintain and develop the professional competence of our direct employees;
• Motivate and encourage our employees, so that they are committed to the aspects and good practices of Quality, Safety and Health at Work and environmental preservation, in their respective areas of activity and influence;
• Ensure the adequacy, relevance and improvement of our Quality Management System, as a management tool.